Grace To You

Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil 1:2

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Response To Some Muslim Concerns

Many people in the West are not Christians at all. One is not a Christian by birth and one does not automatically become a Christian by living in a Bible based culture. One only becomes a Christian by faith in Jesus Christ– accepting that He died for them and trusting Him to save them. Real faith leads to being born of the Spirit of God and living for Him.

Those who are not Christians do not pray regularly or tithe or go to church on Sunday. Some of them drink alcohol, have sex outside of marriage, gamble, etc. Some do not. It’s their choice. Some only go to church on special holidays. Some never go at all.

Some liberal Christians do not believe the Bible is true, do not believe Jesus is sinless, born of a virgin, the Son of God, died for our sins, was resurrected and is coming again to reign on the earth as a King in Israel. Fundamentalist Christians believe all these things and much more.

I have read stories about Abraham destroying the idols his father made. They didn’t say he beheaded the idols, but even if he did, I don’t believe he would have beheaded a living person for idolatry– certainly not for believing in the Trinity. Abraham pleaded with God to spare the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah and they were idolaters and gross sinners! He was a merciful kinda guy.

Moses didn't behead anyone for any reason. God gave the Jews the law through Moses and the law did not proscribe beheading people. Stoning was a method of capital punishment for specific offences but they were never told to put unbelievers to death simply for being unbelievers. And they did not practice forced conversion. Conquering Canaan was done under God’s instructions and the warring was restricted to the Canaanites who had fallen under God’s judgement for their sins.

I’m not sure why anyone would object to Muslims having beards or wearing hats. It’s very natural.

What do you mean by “take care of your woman”? The New Testament says that Eve sinned because she was deceived. She believed Satan’s lie and ate the fruit. It says Adam was not deceived. He listened to the voice of his wife because he wanted to. His sin was a choice and was not Eve’s fault.

If women should be punished for being deceived, men should be punished more for choosing to sin.

Pornography is primarily a male sin. Prostitution is primarily a male sin. There are far more Gays than Lesbians, which makes that mostly a male sin as well. I think men should repent and take care of themselves rather than blaming everything on women. The church teaches against all these sins but people choose to engage in them anyway– mostly males.

Why do people sin? The Bible says, “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted, neither does He tempt any man. Every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust. Lust when it has conceived brings for sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death.” James 1:13

We must be born again with a new heart to overcome sin.

There is nowhere in the Bible that it says Mary was veiled. She is veiled in paintings and movies but no one knows how she dressed when she lived 2000 years ago. It’s likely she may have worn a scarf to protect her from the wind, the sun, and the elements, but God gave no command that women should be veiled and hide their hair. God is the one who clothed Adam and Eve after they sinned and He doesn’t mention a veil.

In the New Testament Paul said a woman’s hair is given to her for a covering. In some early churches women were required to cover their heads during public worship but it had nothing to do with men lusting after their hair. It was a sign of their submission to authority in an ancient male dominated society– from which freedom in the Lord has delivered us. Paul said, “In Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female.”

Christians do not live under the Old Testament Covenant which Israel received along with the Law from God. We live under the New Testament Covenant which is described in the book of Hebrews as a better covenant because it is based on the blood of Jesus not the blood of bulls, rams and sheep.

Jesus completely fulfilled the requirements of the law which was given to Israel to lead them to their Messiah. When Jesus died on the cross and said, “It is finished!” The Old Testament Covenant was annulled and the New Testament Covenant became available to believers.

Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant [this is the new covenant], even Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13: 20-21

The New Covenant brought many changes. I’ll mention a couple. Circumcision is no longer required under the New Covenant because God circumcises the heart instead of the flesh. And, pork is allowed to be eaten if it is blessed and received with thanksgiving. There are many scriptures related to this subject but it is related to freedom in Christ Jesus.

This is a Fundamentalist Christian viewpoint.

I welcome your comments!


  1. Abraham beheaded idol is our scripture, Moses not behead anyone. That is my metaphor.
    Stories of Adam & Eve is sample stories that man fall in to word of woman due to whisper of Lucifer (satan). Even thought it Adam choice but both need to be responsible, that why God throw both of them to earth. God is The Most Justice. Dont you remember?

    Pornography is a both gender sin, without woman pornography can not survive, without man porno can not be market. So it both sin, it is both responsibility to stop the pornography. Blaming others will not solve the problem. Sin has be done, now time to cover it.

    Mary is nun right , read this "1Co. 11:5 And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head
    uncovered dishonors her head — it is just as though her head were shaved."

    Woman and male are very different, if some male open a clothes it front of female, may be female do not react. If opposite, what it look like?

    That why even something can not be change, example gender. Both gender have different level of lust. So just help each others.

    Actually I quite concern regarding Christian in their America. As you said 73% America claim that their are Christian. And 10% of them only go to Churches. So if I divided by 10, actually Christian in America is only 7.3%. This is quite critical, where are others, some go to Atheist and some go to polytheism (more worst)
    Last Friday, I watches some youtube that show that Homo Church. Gay now have their own churches. I can not say any thing already. Some churches cover these guy. Speechless.

    For me believing Jesus or not is no issue anymore (the race is already rotten), for me just wait for God's wrath only as God comdemn prophet Luth's race.
    May be God not give earthquake same as Luth's prophet. Maybe they give same as Joseph's race. 7 years in prosperity, 7 years in poverty.
    If you remember stories of most Israel prophet hood, some of them are faithful, but faithful is only minority (as you know we also think that Christian is misguided) but majority is rotten. So what God do to them, you also know. For me just run away from that rotten country as what others prophet also do.

  2. I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

  3. First, Thank you both for your comments.


    The story of Adam and Eve is the factual retelling of mankind's fall into sin. It was not intended to elevate men above women or blame women for the fall. As the story goes, Adam and Eve were together when the Satanic Serpent talked with Eve.

    Adam listened and remained silent during the exchange between Eve and Satan.

    According to Paul, Adam was not deceived but Eve was. Yet, when Eve decided to eat the fruit Adam did not advise her to leave the fruit alone-- which he could have done. Instead, he listened to her reasons for eating the fruit and joined with her in the forbidden action because he wanted to, even though he knew better.

    Because they were One, it was only after "both" had eaten the fruit that their eyes were opened to know they were naked and that they had broken their relationship with God by their disobedience to His command concerning that tree.

    He forced them out of the garden of Eden so they could not eat of the Tree of Life and live forever in their sinful state.

    Yes, God is just! I remember. But He is also merciful, which is why He sacrificed an animal to clothe them with skins and taught them about the need for substitutionary bloodshed to cover their sins. And, He promised them that a Savior would be born through a woman that would provide eternal salvation for them and their descendants.

    That promise concerning the woman's role in the coming of a redeemer is what caused Satan to hate women and abuse them (through men)ever since the fall.

    Satan influenced men to blame women for the fall as an excuse to rule over them and abuse them. Thus, the rise of the patriarchal system in ancient societies and the demeaning of women who were created in the image of God to have dominion over the earth along with men.

    Believing in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God Who gave His life on the cross of Calvary for the sins of every sinner who ever lived or will live is the only requirement for salvation.

    You are right, the race is rotten because of sin, and that's why Jesus came to the earth to rescue all those who would put their trust in Him. Jesus fulfilled God's promise made to Adam and Eve right after their fall into sin.

    No one can successfully run from a decision about Jesus. Jesus is the most important person any of us can know. He is God. He is our Savior and friend.

    As for pornography, since men have the majority of power and money and lust in the world, who is most responsible? Do you really think that enslaved and abused women and children are to be blamed?

    Again, Mary was not a nun. She was a virgin when Jesus was born but she and Joseph had several sons and daughters after Jesus was born.

    I'm not sure where you got the idea that only 10% of Americans attend church. I think it's closer to 30%. At any rate, I told you before that Americans are born into Christendom but not into Christianity. They must make a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ or not. Sadly, many love this present world and choose not to follow Him.

    America is certainly not a more rotten country than other countries around the world. In fact, she has led the world in helping the needy with food, clothing, medical assistance and spiritual guidance. And God has blessed America for her goodness in times past. We are presently going through rough times because so many have turned away from God's righteous path. But, whether she will repent or be judged remains to be seen.

    Men are drawn toward sin by their own lusts and God will not force them to turn to Him. He woos and welcomes because He loves but He chooses not to dominate mankind and rob them of their free will.

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life." John 3:16

    All are welcome!
