He said the leaders of the world are "sick of Israel" and he called Israel "evil" and a "scumbag." He accuses Israel: of abusing Muslim and Christian citizens, of stealing land, of building a wall to block humanitarian aid from the Gaza strip and to cut off their water supply, and of dishonorably attacking the activists who were trying to break a blockade of Gaza. He further accuses Israel of cruelty, brutality, injustice, murder, and Nazi behavior (genocide).
I find myself unable to remain silent when faced with blatantly false and defamatory statements. I am sharing my lightly edited responses in the remainder of this blog. Some of my comments have been stated before but truth must be often restated when lies abound.
The accusations being made against Israel are totally false.
If Israel is as bad as is mentioned, there would be no need for a wall in Israel because no Muslim Arabs would even survive there. The truth is that Israel welcomes people of all faiths. Only Islamic countries regularly ban, persecute, and slaughter people of other faiths.
If you haven’t read my article on Israel’s Forever Land, I encourage you to read it.
Israel does not block humanitarian aid to the “Palestinians.” She spends millions helping support them — as we in the USA do. But, there is no appreciation from Muslims, only more attacks. Israel allows humanitarian aid from other countries to go to the Arabs in Gaza. She only tries to keep out additional weapons of destruction for use against Israeli citizens. Any rational country would do that.
The attacks on Netanyahu are shameful. What did he lie about? Sarkozy and Obama should both be ashamed of such juvenile conversation. As world leaders, they are the ones who look bad for talking about Netanyahu behind his back.
“You shall not follow a crowd to do evil...” Exodus 23:2
No matter how many nations or their leaders turn against Israel, they are wrong and will not bring her down because she is under God’s protection.
The most powerful Muslim nations surrounding her tried to destroy her in 1948, 1967 and 1973. They failed! Why? Because she is under God’s protection.
Many nations will come against her again in the not too distant future and will bring destruction on themselves. The Bible predicts this situation and the Bible’s predictions never fail!
I am not against Muslim people, or even against the Arabs trying to steal Israel's land. I truly desire their salvation, but it will not happen if they persist in persecuting Israel.
As this debate rages, there are no facts which will convince eyes which refuse to see or ears which refuse to hear. Truth seekers find truth. Truth avoiders surrender themselves to a strong delusion.
The Turkish-led attempt to break through Israel’s blockade was not to deliver humanitarian aid. It was to make Israel look bad in the eyes of the world. And, because of one-sided reporting by the media, it seems they have been successful in painting Israel in a bad light.
Israel offered to assist the liberal activists (blockade runners) in delivering any humanitarian aid they had brought with them. They only boarded the ship to inspect for possible weapons. The Israelis who boarded the ship were brutally attacked with knives and pipes by the prepared activists -- and then blamed for the outcome!
Note: "U.N. investigation concluded that Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip, and thus its intervention to stop a Turkish-led flotilla last year, was legal." Washingston Post Sep 12, 2011 Entitled: Once Again, Israel Is Scapegoated.
Israel is the Jewel of the Middle East. No other country offers the freedoms she guarantees her population of Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc. Over a million Arabs live peacefully within her borders and have all the rights of citizenship. No Muslim country offers such benefits to non-Muslims.
It's true God cares for the oppressed and God condemns all forms of unrighteous behavior whether one is rich or poor. We do not always see clearly; but, in the end, Jesus will make all things right.
At present, however, the wicked often prosper. God does not bribe people to serve Him by always providing immediate benefits. And, God uses wicked nations to “discipline” His people. This is clearly revealed in the writings of the Old Testament prophets. The prophets lamented when God used nations more wicked than Israel to discipline her. It was hard for them to understand. But, God assured them the wicked nations would not prosper forever and would be punished in due time. And they have been, and will be.
Only a self-deluded world can see Israel as a wicked nation.The entire Middle East doesn’t automatically belong to Muslim Arabs. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed the land was divided and almost all of it was given to the Arab nations. Only a small part of the Jews original land was returned to the Jews and, even at that, they didn’t get it all for free. If anyone had a claim at all and wanted to sell it, the Jews bought the land from them. Otherwise, those living on the land stayed. Arabs were never forced out. No land was stolen from Arabs (falsely calling themselves Palestinians).
The area was a desert wasteland. The Jews who returned labored hard to restore it to a productive condition and, finally, they became a modern nation. The Arabs who lived among them were not asked to leave and many stayed– even when Israel was attacked by her Muslim neighbors in 1948 and 1967. Only about 350,000 Arabs fled the country during the war. It was their choice. And now, when most of the self-made refugees are dead, the Arab world claims that 5 million Arabs should have a Right of Return! Never in the history of the world has such an outrageous claim been made on behalf of refugees.
At least twice as many Jews were forced out of Arab nations in 1948. They fled to Israel and were accepted there. The Arabs who left Israel could have settled in Jordan, which is a “Palestinian” state, or in other Arab nations which are much larger than Israel. The Arab world created the refugee problem just to punish Israel and make her look bad. I am sorry for the problems faced by the “refugees” but they should have been absorbed by the Arab nations long ago. Even King Hussein of Jordan said that was true.
The Jews need a homeland. God gave the land of Israel to them. Trying to make them into the bad guy when all they are trying to do is survive in their own land is injustice on a very large scale. Again, over a million Arabs live peacefully in Israel. If she is so wicked, that would not be the case.
The Bible foretold that God would bring the Jews back to their homeland and He did. The Bible says it is theirs forever and they will never be forced out of it again. God will defend them! The Bible is God's Word and God does not lie. So, those who are trying to destroy Israel cannot win.
See Zechariah 12: 6-9
"In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among sheaves, so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the surrounding peoples, while the inhabitants of Jerusalem again dwell on their own sites in Jerusalem. The LORD (YEHOVAH) also will save the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem will not be magnified above Judah. In that day the LORD (YEHOVAH) will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the LORD (YEHOVAH) before them. And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem."
If you doubt God's Word, I pray you will open your mind and ask God to give you an understanding of the truth.
I have visited Israel and talked with Christians, Arabs and Rabbis. The many slanders against them are wrong. The Christian population is growing in Israel and no churches are being bombed. Unless, it's going on in the Palestinian areas. The Christian population is dropping from Muslim persecution in Palestinian areas.
ReplyDeleteA majority of the Palestinians would rather live under Israeli rule than under their own government. Their lifestyle would improve drastically if they weren’t repressed by Muslim terrorists.
Israel does everything it can do to help the Palestinian people under the circumstances. They can’t allow them total freedom because many among them are out to destroy Israel. If Palestinian homes are damaged or civilian lives are lost it is because the terrorists use civilians as shields. It is the Palestinians who place a low value on human life. They send their children out with bombs strapped to them to kill innocent Israeli citizens. They blow up innocent Israeli civilians in buses and on sidewalks.
I sympathize with the Palestinians because they are trapped in an ungodly Islamic terrorist stronghold. Israel is not to blame for that. Their wicked leaders (like Arafat did) may prosper for a short time, but they will answer to Jesus when every knee bows and every tongue confesses His Lordship.
Israel is not perfect but her humanitarian standards are very high. Read Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef. He shares what life was like under Arafat and how the kindness of the Israelis changed his prejudiced attitude toward them and how accepting Jesus changed his life.
Jews have suffered. They have no desire to oppress others.
ReplyDeleteWhen do you turn off the hate? You talk of love for the Palestinians and not blocking food and supplies much needed by the people in Gaza and the wall like Israel is some sort of humanitarian country. It seems hard to believe that you would insist that the world is wrong about Israel and you alone are right. You talk of people not being allowed their total freedom like you were talking about not allowing your dog to roam about, or penning in your chickens. Cherel take off your blinders, you are part of the problem and why nothing gets better. I do not hate Jews, but I do not like when facts are intentionally distorted and put forth like you do it. You keep leading with the bible and blaming the people that Israel is indeed persecuting and oppressing and this I find so wrong. What pray tell would make someone want to strap on a bomb and blow up his, or her benevolent benefactor? I am neither Jew nor Muslim and my opinions are based on what I see, hear and believe to be true. Now I know that means little to you because you state that everyone and anyone that does not hold Israel in the highest esteem is wrong and slanders Israel, but I say to you open your eyes and your heart and stop the hating.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you see hate in my writings?
Are Jews the only people in the world unworthy of a homeland?
Are Arabs automatically entitled to every square inch of the Middle East (and the world)?
If the "Palestinians" deserve to take the land away from Israel because they are underdogs, why doesn't Israel deserve to keep some land because she is the underdog among the Arab nations?
Have you not noticed that evey time Israel makes concessions to the "Palestinians" they are viewed as weak and subjected to more attacks?
Haven't you noticed that the "Palestinians" don't want freedom or a little more land-- they simply want Israel wiped off the map?
If the political leadership of Gaza and the West Bank would simply recognize Israel's right to exist and come to the talks desiring to make peace, peace would be attained.
Israel is ready to make reasonable concessions but she cannot afford to forsake her own security while she is surrounded by enemies who daily call for her
There are few sources of truth to be found in this world. The Bible, being God's Word, is the main source of truth so I rely on it to lead the way-- as a lamp to the feet and a guide to the path!
The Bible reveals the source of the world's hatred of the Jews.
They are not hated because they are talented or wealthy and successful, though they are.
They are not hated because they rule the world, or drink the blood of Christians, or persecute Arabs, because they don't.
They aren't even hated because they crucified Jesus Christ. (A handful of corrupt Jewish leaders falsely accused Jesus and wrongfully condemned Him, but a Roman official and Roman soldiers put him to death. Thus Jews and Gentiles share that guilt.)
No, the Jews are hated because Satan, the god of this world, hates Jesus. Satan oppressed the Jews and tried to wipe out the Jews before Jesus was born to stop his birth. And, after Jesus was born, Satan tried to destroy Him. Satan is the one who influenced the Jews and Romans to kill Him.
Satan thought he had won! He thought he'd been promoted from being the god of the world to being THE GOD of the world.
But, 3 days later, Jesus rose again as a Conqueror over death, hell and the grave. Jesus took the keys from Satan and set the captives free (those who had died in faith looking forward to salvation through the blood of Jesus on the cross of Calvary).
Satan realized his mistake in killing Jesus and continued to persecute the Jews because they are the earthly family of Jesus, God's chosen people.
God made many promises to the Jews about their land. He caused them to be scattered around the world because of their sins against Him but He promised to bring them home again in the latter days. And, God fulfilled that promise when Israel became a modern nation in 1948. Satan used the Arabs to try to keep God's Word from being fulfilled, but He failed!)
God has also promised the Jews that a descendant of David will rule the world from Jerusalem. This ruler will be their Messiah.
Today, the Jews are in Israel. Jerusalem is their capitol and they await their Messiah. And Satan is still opposing God's plan. He is using the Arab nations to try to take Jerusalem and the land of Israel and to destroy the Jews.
According to God's Word, Satan and those who follow Him will be destroyed. Those who support Israel will be blessed. Those who oppose her will be cursed.
This is not because Jews are better than other peoples. It is simply because God chose them as His vessels to bring salvation to the world through Jesus Christ.
There is no hate here. Jesus loves everyone and anyone who chooses to believe in God and and trust in Jesus for salvation will be saved.
"For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life." John 3:16
You do not talk of love and sharing you speak of a wiping out and destruction. I get it we take what does not belong to us and then tell the people who owned it originally how lucky they are that we are willing to give some of it back. Your statement that Palestinians are mere Arabs says tons to me about you and your motives. Your sense of reality is lacking, take a look and tell me in what way Israel has benefited these people. Poor little Israel so misunderstood. I think Israel is entitled to a homeland as long as it does not belong to someone else. By the way Israel seems to have expanded its homeland, or am I misrepresenting the facts?
ReplyDeleteThere is a historical land of Israel and the Jews have a history and continual presence on that land for thousands of years.
There is no historical land of Palestine and there are no historical Palestinians. So, how can modern Arabs be Palestinians?
The name Palestine was created by the British (after the fall of the Ottoman Empire) from the ancient word Philistine.
The ancient people known as Philistines were enemies of Isreal who lived in the coastal areas (Gaza) of the land of Canaan.
The modern Arabs who live in Gaza are not descendants of those Philistines. They are descendants of Ishmael, Midian, Moab, Ammon, and the other sons of Abraham and Lot, etc. This means their roots are actually in Jordan and the Arabian Peninsula, not in Israel.
They have adopted "Palestinian" from the name given to the modern land of Israel by the British. They only started claiming this name after Israel became a nation and they wanted to take her land away from her.
You seem to think Israel has expanded her land. In fact, she is living on far less land than God gave her. God describes the boundaries of her land in the Bible. Modern Israel is much smaller than it should be.
If you studied the subject in the Bible you would see that God set her boundaries and specifically told her not to take land from her neighbors that He had given to them. Her neighbors are currently living on her land and trying to take more of it, which displeases God.
What Israel has done for the Middle East is to offer people there the only free country in the region. They have the highest standard of living and offer more opportunities for advancement than any other country. Many Arabs have great paying jobs in Israel and some of those are from Gaza.
The benefits you asked about are many but would be much greater if Israel didn't live under the continual threat of destruction by the Arab nations.
If the historical facts weren't there I could understand your feelings in this matter. The world has been led astray by their lack of historical knowledge.
The Bible says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." How true.
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