Grace To You

Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil 1:2

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

ISRAEL vs Palestine

  1. Hello! I guess you could say this blog is my personal opinion about the land of Israel and related issues. I wrote some of this in response to a blog comment and then I expanded it. It is just pretty much what I might say if we were discussing the subject. You may disagree but this is how I see it. Hope you enjoy and feel free to respond.
  2. Most of my knowledge is from reading and research but I did have the privilege of visiting Israel back in 2007 and got a chance to talk with some Israelis, Christians, Arabs and even Rabbis.
  3. The many slanders against Israel for mistreatment of Christians are incorrect. The Christian population is generally growing but has dropped from persecution in some Muslim controlled areas.
  4. Many of the Arabs in Gaza would rather live under Israeli rule than under their own government. They know their lives would improve drastically if they weren’t oppressed by Hamas terrorists.
  5. Israel does everything it can do to help the oppressed Arab people under the circumstances. They can’t allow them total freedom because many among them are out to destroy Israel. If Muslim homes are damaged or civilian lives are lost it is because the terrorists use civilians as shields. The Muslims of the Gaza Strip place a low value on this life. They send their children out with bombs strapped to them to kill innocent Israeli citizens because they believe Jihad will insure their eternal salvation. And, they feel justified in blowing up innocent Israeli civilians because their religion requires the killing of unbelievers.
  6. Like many others, I sympathize with the general Arab population of Gaza. They are trapped in an oppressive Islamic terrorist stronghold and deceived by a false religion they were born into. Israel is not to blame for that.
  7. Israel is not perfect but her humanitarian standards are very high. Read Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef. He shares what life was like under Arafat and how the kindness of the Israelis changed his prejudiced attitude toward them, and how becoming a Jesus follower changed his life entirely.
  8. Israelis have suffered throughout history. They have no desire to oppress others but they have a right to their land! Are they the only people in the world unworthy of a homeland? Are Muslims automatically entitled to every square inch of the Middle East?
  9. If the Arabs calling themselves "Palestinians" deserve to take the land away from Israel because they are underdogs, why doesn't Israel deserve to keep some land because she is the underdog among the Arab nations? Her land is tiny compared to the surrounding Arab nations.
  10. Have you not noticed that every time Israel makes concessions to the "Palestinians" they are viewed as weak and subjected to more attacks?
  11. Have you not noticed that the "Palestinians" don't want freedom or a little more land– they simply want Israel wiped off the map? They actually have maps without Israel on them.
  12. If the political leadership of Gaza and the West Bank would simply recognize Israel's right to exist and come to the talks desiring to make peace, peace would be attained.
  13. Israel is willing to make reasonable concessions but she cannot afford to forsake her own security while she is surrounded by enemies who daily call for her destruction.
  14. There are few sources of truth to be found in this world. The Holy Bible, being YEHOVAH's Word, is the main source of truth so I rely on it to lead the way– as “a lamp to the feet and a light to the path.”
  15. The Bible reveals the source of the world's hatred of the Jews. They are not hated because they are talented or wealthy and successful, though they are. They are not hated because they rule the world, or drink the blood of Christians, or persecute Arabs, because they don't.
  16. They aren't even hated because they crucified Jesus Christ. (A handful of corrupt Jewish leaders falsely accused Jesus and wrongfully condemned Him, but a Roman official and Roman soldiers put him to death.) Jews and Gentiles share that guilt.
  17. No, Israelis are hated because Satan, the god of this world, hates Jesus. Satan oppressed the Jews and tried to wipe them out before Jesus was born to stop His birth. And, after Jesus was born, Satan tried to destroy Him. Satan is the one who influenced the Jews to condemn Him and the Romans to kill Him.
  18. Satan thought he had won! He thought he'd been promoted from being the god of the world to being THE GOD of the world. (See 1 Cor 2:7-8)
  19. But, three days later, Jesus rose again as a Conqueror over death, hell and the grave. Jesus took the keys from Satan and set the captives free (those who had died in faith looking forward to salvation through the blood of Jesus on the cross of Calvary).
  20. Satan realized his mistake in killing Jesus and continued to persecute the Jews because they are the earthly family of Jesus, YEHOVAH's chosen people. YEHOVAH has not rejected or forsaken Israel.
  21. YEHOVAH made many promises to the Jews about their land. He caused them to be scattered around the world because of their sins against Him but He promised to bring them home again in the latter days. And, YEHOVAH fulfilled that promise when Israel became a modern nation in 1948. (Satan used the Arabs to try to keep YEHOVAH's Word from being fulfilled, but He failed!) Israel has been a nation for 70 years now and the prophetic clock of the age is running down.
  22. YEHOVAH has promised Israel that a descendant of David will rule the world from Jerusalem. This ruler will be their Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is coming soon! Bless His Holy Name!
  23. Today, Israel exists. Jerusalem is her capitol and Israelis await their Messiah.  President Trump has officially recognized Jerusalem as the capitol and moved the American Embassy there. He has also recognized their right to the Golan Heights and they are hoping for his help to build their Third Temple very soon. They still reject Jesus Christ and await another Messiah which we know will be the Anti-Christ. He will desecrate their Third Temple and they will realize they have been deceived again. And, that will open the way for them to finally receive King Jesus! 
  24. Satan is still opposing YEHOVAH's plan. He is using the Arab nations to try to take Jerusalem and the land of Israel and to destroy the children of Israel.
  25. According to the Holy Bible, Satan and those who follow Him will be destroyed. Those who support Israel will be blessed. Those who oppose her will be cursed.
  26. This is not because Jews are better than other peoples. It is simply because YEHOVAH chose Israel as His vessel to bring salvation to the world through Jesus Christ.
  27. Jesus loves everyone and anyone who chooses to believe in YEHOVAH and trust in Jesus for salvation will be saved.
  28. "For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life." John 3:16
  29. If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, I invite you to come to Him. He is as close as the mention of His name. If you sense the Spirit drawing you, reach out to Him in prayer. Jesus is willing and ready to give you forgiveness of sin and eternal life by grace (without works) through faith. He paid for your sin and grants salvation when You put your trust in His finished work on Calvary (death, burial, resurrection) and confess Him with your mouth. Tell somebody and me! God bless you!
  30. Back to the Facts about Our Subject.
  31. There is no historical land of Palestine and there are no historical Palestinians. So, how can modern Arabs be Palestinians? The name Palestine was created by the British (after the fall of the Ottoman Empire) from the ancient word Philistine.
  32. The ancient people known as Philistines were enemies of Israel who lived in the coastal areas (Gaza) of the land of Canaan. The modern Arabs who live in Gaza are not descendants of those Philistines.
  33. Modern “Palestinians” are descendants of Abraham and Lot (Ishmael, Midian, Moab, Ammon, and others). This means their roots are actually in Jordan and the Arabian Peninsula, not in Israel. They have adopted the use of "Palestinian" from the name given to the modern land of Israel by the British. They only started claiming this name after Israel became a nation and they wanted to take her land away from her. (All “Palestinians” have a guaranteed right to Jordanian citizenship. They don’t have to stay in Gaza or Israel if they want to leave.)
  34. Israel is entitled to her homeland and it does not belong to anyone else. YEHOVAH took the land from the descendants of Canaan because of their extreme idolatry and boundless depravity. And He gave it to Israel in perpetuity. The Jews have a history and continual presence on that land for thousands of years now. There has always been a remnant of the children of Israel living there.
  35. If you think Israel has expanded her land, this is not true. In fact, she is living on far less land than YEHOVAH gave her. YEHOVAH describes the boundaries of her land from the Nile to the Euphrates in Genesis 15:18 in the Bible. Modern Israel is much smaller than it should be.
  36. If you studied the subject in the Bible you would see that YEHOVAH set her boundaries and specifically told her not to take land from her neighbors that He had given to them. She has not done that. However, her neighbors are currently living on her land and trying to take more of it, which displeases YEHOVAH.
  37. What Israel has done for the Middle East is to offer people there the only free country in the region. They have the highest standard of living and offer more opportunities for advancement than any other country. Many Arabs have great paying jobs in Israel and some of those Arabs are from Gaza. The benefits are many but would be much greater if Israel didn't live under the continual threat of destruction by the Arab nations.
  38. If the historical facts weren't there I could understand the mistaken ideas in this matter, but history is clear. The world has been led astray by their lack of historical knowledge.
  39. The Bible says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." How true!
  40. The Promise Land Belongs to Israel!
  41. P.S. I use God’s personal Name YEHOVAH to distinguish Him from other so called gods. About 7000 times YEHOVAH is used in the Bible after He told Moses His Memorial Name at the burning bush in Exodus 3:14. But, His Name has been replaced with The LORD by the Jewish scribes and modern translators from time immemorial.
  42. This was supposedly to protect and honor His Name but in reality it has hidden His Name and caused much confusion. Some today are saying YEHOVAH and Allah are the same God. No! YEHOVAH is “I AM WHO I AM” the Eternally Existing Uncreated One. HE is the ONLY GOD, Creator of all things in heaven and on earth. Other, so called gods, are merely idols: figments of men’s imaginations, demons, fronts for Satan worship, etc.
  43. YEHOVAH gave His Name because He wanted us to know Him! At some point in history the scribes began writing only the consonants, YHVH, and refused to say the name out loud. Instead, the said The LORD. After many years it was thought that the vowels were lost and no one knew how to say the true NAME of GOD. Recently, however, research has uncovered many ancient writings with YEHOVAH written out. Praise YEHOVAH! We can once again use His real Name.

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