Three blackbirds on a naked tree limb overlooking
The confluence of the Tennessee and Hiwassi rivers
On a gorgeous October day. What more could one desire?
Add a soaring, circling hawk, the mowed grass, the beautiful
Greenery God so bountifully supplies and a tractor kicking up
A trail of dust in a distant field; all lovely signs of given life.
Hark, the hawk shares its plaintive cry
And a dog barks from afar.
The smaller birds trill and whistle, sight unseen,
Then a whippoorwill outdoes them all, and I marvel
At God’s created world; His great supply.
Nine buzzards are aloft in search of prey and nature’s grand
Parade continues to entertain and delight my senses.
How good to be here in retreat from the hustle and bustle
Outside our cloistered neighborhood.
On your back porch with Princess and Annabel
Bringing companionship to this perfect scene,
I am at peace; stilled in my heart before my God.
Enjoying His benefits, and experiencing His gracious love.
Excellent reflection!