I just finished reading Dr. David Jeremiah's end time prophecy book called What In The World Is Going On? Appropriate title for an informative book! He covers a lot of ground. From the prophetic return of the Jews to their promised land to the Second Return of Jesus Christ, Dr. Jeremiah answers many of our most pressing questions concerning current events and the end times. He discusses the role of oil and Islamic terrorism in the alignment of the nations leading to Armageddon. He gives an interesting overview of the nations involved in the Battle of Gog and Magog, their motives and their destruction. He delves into the Christian foundation of our nation and the godly impact the USA has had in the world, as well as, his concern about our national loss of godly principles and where the nation may be headed. He deals with the European Union, the rapture, and the time of 'Jacob's trouble' which includes the rise and the demise of the Anti-Christ. And, finally he deals with the physical return of Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Whether you are new to prophetic books or are a scholar, I think you'll find this book worth your time. Dr. Jeremiah has the ability to share a redemptive view of the end times that is both encouraging and comforting to all who look to Jesus for salvation. He wisely admonishes the church to be awake and alert and anticipating the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ, as He could return in the clouds at any moment to catch away His own. It's a timely reminder, I agree and I recommend this book to you.
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