Iron Dome Defense Missile being launched on Monday, March 12, 2011 Photo by AFP
So, what's going on in the world that patriotic citizens need to be talking about?
Well, in spite of the recent tornadoes in the South, the weather's not the hottest topic and even the Global Warming scam wouldn't deserve a mention in passing if UNESCO wasn't seeking to promote that lie once again by linking it to "likely" future water shortages in population centers around the globe. It would be great if the United Nations would simply focus its attention and the use of our tax dollars on trying to meet the current need for electricity and clean water in developing nations rather than wasting time, energy, and political capital promoting dire predictions backed by bogus science! But UNESCO, like our own government can't seem to keep what should be its true priorities in focus.
The Obama Administration should be focused on getting the government out of the way of the free market so it can rebound with job creation. We have the resources. We have the workers. We have the infrastructure. We have reserved wealth. Nothing is holding this economy down other than the stranglehold of government regulations. Working people buy homes and don't have to lose those they already own. We don't need another government program! We need a Congress that knows how to repeal harmful regulations and illegitimate legislation-- starting with Obamacare!
If Obamacare is so wonderful why are so many States and businesses in line to get exemptions? Why doesn't Congress and all Federal employees have to participate in the plan? Why did Pelosi and Reid have to wheel and deal and strong arm the Congress to get it passed? Why do a majority of Americans oppose it? And, whatever happened to our representation to protect us from unwanted taxation? The Tea Party has it right. We must either restore America's liberties guaranteed by the Constitution or lose them.
Our religious freedom and the freedom of speech are on the line. Why are thinking people willing to be silenced by "political correctness?" Muzzling ourselves to please the enemies of freedom is the first step toward losing our liberty. We have the freedom to remain silent, but it should not be the cowardly silence of one who gives up his God given freedoms without a fight, a whimper or a sigh! Claiming we are free is meaningless unless we truly exercise our freedoms!
As the late President Ronald Reagan said, "It isn't that Liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so much that isn't so." So, why should we let them determine what should and should not be discussed?
Who can rightfully tell a Christian organization or a person of conscience that they must offer up their personal resources to pay for another person's activities, regardless of the moral implications. This trumped up War On Women takes the cake! It requires twisted thinking to say that people who refuse to pay for drugs or procedures which kill unborn babies, because they believe babies have a right to be born alive, are at war with women. Right To Lifers care about human life! They care about men, women, boys and girls-- from conception on. The right to a moral choice begins before conception, and those who want to make other choices should not expect "lovers of life" to pay for those decisions.
Freedom allows for integrity of belief and practice not just for those on the left but also for those on the right.
Without religious freedom there will be no freedom at all. If we lose our right to believe and practice what we believe we are as good as dead. And, that is why Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death." We must stand up for our freedoms while we still can!
I am deeply disturbed by our president's refusal to help Israel in this time of need. It's not surprising since it has always been his policy. He proclaimed his intention of siding with Israel's enemies before he was even elected. Obama has worked against Israel throughout his time in office so this latest refusal to give them bunker buster bombs and refueling planes (before the election) is just the icing on his poison cake. What I find shocking is the continued support he gets from Jews in this country. They don't seem to know a Haman when they see one, or understand who their real friends are. So sad.
I am as war weary as you are. Our politicians have cried wolf so many times that many of us no longer believe in wolves, or wonder if they can or need to be stopped. But, Israel lives in the wolf's proximity. She's been attacked before and she knows a wolf when she sees one. And, we should be more than willing to help her stop that wolf, especially since it hates us as much as it hates her.
Are you aware that Gaza has fired 200 rockets into Israel since last Friday? They have had very few casualties because they have managed to intercept 90% of those missiles with their Iron Dome Missile Defense System. Doesn't this make you wonder why Obama cancelled that type of defense in Eastern Europe and is considering giving our missile defense secrets to Russia at the very time he plans to drastically reduce our nuclear arsenals and conventional military capabilities? Whose side is he on? Now is the time to think about that question.
I know this has been a rambling post but I hope it stirs up some thinking. We are living in perilous times. We need to pray and trust in God and we also need to vote wisely! If you think voting for Obama will ensure that you get something for nothing, think again. If you don't pay for it, your neighbor, your child or your grandchild will have to. The government doesn't have any money of its own and nothing is free!
"If the Moral character of a people degenerate, their political character must follow. These considerations should lead to an attentive solicitude to be religiously careful in our choice of all public officers...and judge of the tree by its fruits."
Elias Boudinot
President of the First Continental Congress in 1783 and the founder of the American Bible Society.
Elias Boudinot
President of the First Continental Congress in 1783 and the founder of the American Bible Society.
"If we will not be governed by God, we must be governed by tyrants." William Penn
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