The Fight Of Our Lives by William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn is a Churchillian call to avoid the dangers inherent in trying to appease one's mortal enemies and it calls us all to an awareness of who that enemy is: Radical Islam.
Bennett and Liebsohn report that in spite of all the politically correct newspeak abroad today, Islam is not a religion of peace and the Koran is not a peaceful book. The authors do an excellent job of exposing the truth about this widespread deception. No matter how many times a lie is stated, and no matter whose lips the lie comes from, it is still a lie.
This book documents and details the changes in our country since the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC. It reviews the original "War on Islamic Terrorists" stance of President Bush which was later followed by his "Islam is a religion of peace" speeches. It reviews President Obama's cozy relationship with Muslims and his refusal to even use the word terrorism in association with Radical Islam and how that policy permeates his administration.
In spite of the documented terrorist attacks in the USA (see the enlightening chapter on the Fort Hood massacre by a Muslim extremist) and worldwide by Radical Islamists (which have increased during Obama's Administration), Homeland Security leader, Janet Napolitano believes people who oppose abortion, and people who oppose illegal immigration, and our war veterans, are a greater threat to our national security than are Muslim extremists who hijack planes and kill innocent people with bombs.
So what's going on here? If you are wondering why leftist journalists coddle and promote Islamic causes such as the 'Ground Zero' Mosque, consider what they have in common: "the narrative of anti-Americanism, the narrative of 'blame America first', the narrative that America is more to be faulted for the sins of the world than praised for the successes in it."
If you are curious about how we got enmeshed in this deadly cycle of political correctness concerning Islam, this book is for you. To remain free we must know who our enemies are and put up our best defense against them at home and abroad. A huge part of our defense involves knowing and speaking the truth. We need to know our godly history and teach it to our children. Has America made mistakes? Of course, and the authors acknowledge that truth! But, she was founded on godly principles and has acted upon those principles throughout her history, however imperfectly at times.
By the grace of God, we are the most free nation on earth and have been a beacon of hope to the world since our inception. With God's help, we must defend and preserve that freedom and that hope, or lose it. So, if you are not faint of heart and you are concerned about the issues we face, you might want to read this book. I recommend it.
I received a free review copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers. The thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I received no compensation for them,
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