Obama's Secret Service Code Name is Renegade. It means "lawless one". Consider such a name for the Chief Executive of our country. His main responsibility is to uphold the constitution and make sure our laws are enforced.
"We The People" (all of us) are to live under The Rule of Law. He is to enforce the Rule of Law!
Believe it or not, The Rule of Law, when it is properly enforced, insures our freedoms. It means that all persons, regardless of their position or wealth, are to abide by the same laws. And those laws are not supposed to discriminate either by favoring the rich or the poor or differentiating among people based on any other standard. They are supposed to be equitable and insure opportunity, but not outcome.
In other words, The Rule of Law protects our "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". But, it does not attempt to insure our happiness by forcing any standard of equality among all people. Why? Because forcing a standard among us would rob us of freedom, thereby restricting our pursuit of happiness.
We are living in perilous times. Many voices in our society are calling for “collective salvation”. Our president’s voice is among them and he has unlawfully appointed many Tsars in his administration to push this agenda. Be sure, anything that is coercively collective denies individual rights. You may as well take your number and get in line because your name and your desires will no longer matter.
Read Anthem and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand or watch the Atlas Shrugged movie when it comes out on April 15th, 2010. Collectivism (socialism, communism) assigns responsibilities and denies rights. There is no other way to make all people equal. And, even then, the masters will be unequal at the top!
Remember Animal Farm. The motto started out, “All animals are created equal.” and ended up as, “Some animals are created more equal than others.” Collectivism never works! How many times will people fall for the lie? Collectivism brings misery for the cooperative and death for the rest. Please wake up!
Our “renegade” president has shown himself unwilling to enforce The Rule of Law. He pushes his own agenda through Executive Orders and refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t agree with. Lawlessness will lead to anarchy and then to totalitarianism– unless God intervenes on our behalf. (Look what’s going on in Wisconsin where other renegade elected officials are refusing to fulfill the jobs they were elected to do!)
I’ve talked of all this without even mentioning our country’s debt level. “The borrower is servant to the lender!” Our political leaders have “borrowed” us into a position of servitude if we don’t get this situation turned around soon. Who do you think we’ll be serving?
The Unions are Collectivist Strongholds! They serve neither their members or their bosses. They are part of a larger scheme to bring America to her knees. Again, please wake up!
We must not leave God out of this picture. A nation never fell without falling under His judgement. He is patient and merciful and waits until “the iniquity of the Amorites” is full. But, at some point, it’s FULL and He brings judgement.
We must repent “For Our Nation” for turning away from God by shutting Him out of our schools and public life and neglecting Him in our homes and churches. We must repent “For Our Nation” for the abomination of abortion! We must repent “For Our Nation” for any abusive foreign policies in war or otherwise.
Personally, we must repent for failing to respond to the cries of the widows, the orphans, the immigrants, the ailing, the downtrodden and the dispossessed– for lack of loving our neighbors as our self! And we must repent for unclean speech, selfishness, slander, greed, laziness, violence, pornography, spiritual pride, etcetera.
We are in the midst of a spiritual battle. The Righteous Judge is at the door! He is the Ultimate Law Giver and He takes no pleasure in renegades. He is shaking all things to purify His people and to bring in a great end time harvest of souls. Please wake up!
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 NIV
"We The People" (all of us) are to live under The Rule of Law. He is to enforce the Rule of Law!
Believe it or not, The Rule of Law, when it is properly enforced, insures our freedoms. It means that all persons, regardless of their position or wealth, are to abide by the same laws. And those laws are not supposed to discriminate either by favoring the rich or the poor or differentiating among people based on any other standard. They are supposed to be equitable and insure opportunity, but not outcome.
In other words, The Rule of Law protects our "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". But, it does not attempt to insure our happiness by forcing any standard of equality among all people. Why? Because forcing a standard among us would rob us of freedom, thereby restricting our pursuit of happiness.
We are living in perilous times. Many voices in our society are calling for “collective salvation”. Our president’s voice is among them and he has unlawfully appointed many Tsars in his administration to push this agenda. Be sure, anything that is coercively collective denies individual rights. You may as well take your number and get in line because your name and your desires will no longer matter.
Read Anthem and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand or watch the Atlas Shrugged movie when it comes out on April 15th, 2010. Collectivism (socialism, communism) assigns responsibilities and denies rights. There is no other way to make all people equal. And, even then, the masters will be unequal at the top!
Remember Animal Farm. The motto started out, “All animals are created equal.” and ended up as, “Some animals are created more equal than others.” Collectivism never works! How many times will people fall for the lie? Collectivism brings misery for the cooperative and death for the rest. Please wake up!
Our “renegade” president has shown himself unwilling to enforce The Rule of Law. He pushes his own agenda through Executive Orders and refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t agree with. Lawlessness will lead to anarchy and then to totalitarianism– unless God intervenes on our behalf. (Look what’s going on in Wisconsin where other renegade elected officials are refusing to fulfill the jobs they were elected to do!)
I’ve talked of all this without even mentioning our country’s debt level. “The borrower is servant to the lender!” Our political leaders have “borrowed” us into a position of servitude if we don’t get this situation turned around soon. Who do you think we’ll be serving?
The Unions are Collectivist Strongholds! They serve neither their members or their bosses. They are part of a larger scheme to bring America to her knees. Again, please wake up!
We must not leave God out of this picture. A nation never fell without falling under His judgement. He is patient and merciful and waits until “the iniquity of the Amorites” is full. But, at some point, it’s FULL and He brings judgement.
We must repent “For Our Nation” for turning away from God by shutting Him out of our schools and public life and neglecting Him in our homes and churches. We must repent “For Our Nation” for the abomination of abortion! We must repent “For Our Nation” for any abusive foreign policies in war or otherwise.
Personally, we must repent for failing to respond to the cries of the widows, the orphans, the immigrants, the ailing, the downtrodden and the dispossessed– for lack of loving our neighbors as our self! And we must repent for unclean speech, selfishness, slander, greed, laziness, violence, pornography, spiritual pride, etcetera.
We are in the midst of a spiritual battle. The Righteous Judge is at the door! He is the Ultimate Law Giver and He takes no pleasure in renegades. He is shaking all things to purify His people and to bring in a great end time harvest of souls. Please wake up!
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 NIV
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